Eric Bryon Eisner
The late Eric Eisner was heroic, multi-talented and musically gifted. Beyond receiving the rank of Eagle Scout, Eisner was awarded the highest honor in scouting; the "Honor Medal of Lifesaving Award". This award was presented to Eisner in 1984 for rescuing deputy sheriff Bill Howe from a carbon monoxide deathtrap situation.
Eric was active in the community of Manteca, donating his time for Boy Scout Troop 432.
Eric participated year after year in Manteca's parades representing the Manteca Artists Guild. He helped Francis Bynum with her "Love thy neighbor" program, delivering food for the underprivileged.
Eric was a member of the Manteca Community Band and enjoyed entertaining residents of Manteca's Leisure Manor and other homes for the elderly with his skills in ragtime piano.
Eisner's unique skills in playing piano peaked when he was invited by late night TV host David Letterman to perform on his show. He performed his "stupid Human Trick" by playing the "3rd Man theme" from the late 40's Orson Wells film. Eisner astounded TV watchers as he played the entire theme while sitting on the bench with his back toward the keys, arms wrapping back around his torso and hands on the keys, hitting the notes blindly, yet accurately.
Eisner was a beloved school teacher who taught in Manteca, Tracy, and Stockton before his untimely death in October 1995.