Marty Harris


Martin Harris has lived and worked in Manteca for several years, and has been a strong promoter of agriculture. As the Chief Executive Officer of Tuff Boy Sales, he has continued the efforts and strong attributes of his parents, William and Lucille Harris.

As a member of the Manteca Unified School District Agriculture Advisory Committee, he has influenced decisions for the betterment of the school district’s agricultural program. The agriculture shop that he designed includes modern equipment that assists in teaching vocational education students. He also suggested future school site acreage be leased out to be farmed, which provided the Manteca Unified School District with a profitable option that goes to the school farm and to offset students’ costs.

Martin has been behind the rebirth of the Manteca Agriculture Boosters, and has provided seed money to continue the program. This group helps to offset prices for student animals at the county and state fairs. These individual funds are a reward for the work students put into this activity. Martin Harris is an ongoing contributor assisting young people to succeed in their endeavor in the field of agriculture.

The students of East Union High School recently nominated Martin Harris for the FFA Hometown Hero Award. This is a prestigious award given by the Delta Cal Section, which includes all of the high schools throughout the region. Martin Harris was selected for this highly respected recognition.

Through Martin’s leadership and organizational abilities, the community is caught up in his enthusiasm and passion for agriculture, and for helping students. This is what makes Martin Harris Manteca’s Unsung Hero and a worthy member of the Manteca Hall of Fame.